Monday, October 16, 2006

I become a blogger

The last thing I need is another reason to spend time at the computer. But after setting up a blog for by wife, author China Galland on a different blog host and then discovering that it had a pretty inconsistent interface -- meaning we'd never know what the thing would look like after we posted it -- I thought I'd switch to "Blogger" and see if we could do any better. But in setting up the account, I found myself putting in my own name and information and, thus, find myself writing a blog.
I am a 61 year old actor, writer and director who, for the past 28 years, has been a principle member of Traveling Jewish Theatre a company I co-founded. Besides writing for the theatre, I have published short fiction and non-fiction in several places. Some of both can be found on my website.

Besides the existence of TJT, I am most proud of: a play, See Under: Love which I adapted from the novel of the same name by Israeli author, David Grossman; my enduring marriage; my growing relationship with my children and grandchildren.

I am working hard not to fall into despair about: the likelihood of a Bush-instigated attack on Iran; the worsening state of Israeli-Arab relations; the long shadow still cast by slavery over our attempt at democracy; our violence toward the earth and toward our fellow-humans that we seem incapable of ending.

I am comforted by language as it is used by authors like Phillip Roth, Toni Morrison, David Grossman, Amitav Ghosh, Jhumpa Lahiri and many others; I am comforted by my friend Norman Fischer's translations of the Psalms; by the stories and teachings of Jack Kornfield; by the life I encounter underwater when I dive; by my co-workers, my wife and family who also struggle with the paradox of finding hope while remaining vulnerable and responsive to so much preventable suffering.

If this blog thing actually works, I might come back for more. I might invite some of the above-mentioned co-workers and family to post topics. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. A Note on Blogs
    (This is an excerpt of an email I sent to my list of friends)
    For those of you unfamiliar or alienated by technological slang, "blog" is a contraction of "web log" and is nothing more or less than a website designed to allow easy composition and posting (ie uploading, or "publishing" to the internet) of just about anything. It's not all that different from online "bulletin boards" or "forums" but the blog form has gained notoriety through the proliferation of political and pop-cultural commentary as well as private-journal-ranting. Blogs, along with Utube, Myspace and Wikipedia represent the growing level of participation in creating web "content" by just about anybody. You no longer have to have technical expertise or a website of your own to be an an online "author." Since the quality, utility and morality of these phenomena will be determined by those who use it, I feel an obligation to participate in this experiment in communication. I hope you will all join me.


I welcome comments, but due to spam and odd non-sequiturs, I am now "moderating" all comments. Please don't let that stop you if you have something to post.